A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is specific according to the nature of the work and equipment used during the Service Project.
Trail Maintenance JHA - the most common, used for general trail work (lopping, hand tools / brushing, power tools and mowing with push mower, zero turn mower, and walking brush cutter).
Chainsaw JHA - if you use a chainsaw. Requires sawyer certification.
Heavy Equipment JHA - if you use dozers, excavators, etc. Requires equipment certification and USFS Driver's License.
General Driving JHA - if you use any Forest Service automobile. Requires USFS Driver's License.
Trailer and Towing JHA - if you use any Forest Service truck and trailer. Requires USFS Driver's License.
If you have questions about which JHA to choose, please contact president@samhoustontrails.com.