Volunteer Certifications

Click on the appropriate category to learn about the certification process with the US Forest Service so you can volunteer using this equipment.

First Aid - CPR - Bloodborne Pathogens

Volunteering on trails comes with risks.  The US Forest Service has Job Hazard Analyses to help identify and prevent potential safety hazards.  Another mitigation for many types of activities is to have First Aid and CPR training.  

The USFS recognizes the following organizations for approved First Aid, CPR courses.  Note that while First Aid can be done online, the CPR component MUST ALWAYS BE IN-PERSON CERTIFICATION. The first Aid/CPR can be obtained for free at https://www.americaser.net/locations/cypress.  All other approved first Aid/CPR organizations are listed below.  For current, detailed information on the courses listed below, see each organization’s website.

Bloodborne Pathogens training is also required for USFS Sawyers.  To complete this training, reference the TRAINING document and sign the signature page.  Include the Signature PDF with the FA/CPR card submitted to the USFS prior to the class.

Track Equipment Certification

In addition to the requirements stated below, equipment operators will be responsible for training equipment swampers that will help the operator accomplish the workday tasks.  There should be one swamper per operating piece of equipment in the field.  Specific situations should be considered to determine the appropriate swamper needs.  The equipment operator will review the Swamper Duties with their swamper crew at the beginning of the day prior to starting work.  


Rubber Tire Certification-Personal Equipment

In addition to the requirements stated below, equipment operators will be responsible for training equipment swampers that will help the operator accomplish the workday tasks.  There should be one swamper per operating piece of equipment in the field.  Specific situations should be considered to determine the appropriate swamper needs.  The equipment operator will review the Swamper Duties with their swamper crew at the beginning of the day prior to starting work. 


If you are already track equipment certified and have a valid USFS Drivers License, you can skip the items in red font

Sawyer Certification

Thank for your interest in becoming a USFS certified sawyer or in renewing your certification.

General information: 

So how do you become a USFS certified sawyer?